Eco Hub Aber forms links with local environmental groups to raise awareness, highlight nature concerns that requires volunteers ‘call to action’ or to simply enjoy the benefits and beauty of Nature bathing in and around the Aberystwyth area for relaxation and health benefits.
We are pleased to be working with Treegeneration who are supporting our nature projects. Rob hot desks at Eco Hub Aber two days a week. He is a “semi-techie” environmentalist with experience in urban permaculture, local economic development, and open source web development. His main interest at the moment is developing, which is an innovative crowdfunding platform designed to generate income for wildlife projects and support local independent retailers at the same time.

Eco Hub Aber has formed links with the Dyfi Biosphere Swift Project (EcoDyfi) and Elfyn Pugh came to the eco hub with his swift stall to tell us how we can help swifts out of decline. A bird that was common site around the harbour in Aberystwyth
Tragically, swift numbers have dropped dramatically in recent years, with a 58% decrease since 1995. In 2021, swifts were added to the UK Red List, meaning they are now classified with the highest level of conservation concern. We could see the disappearance of swifts from Britain in our lifetime, which would be an utter tragedy.
Swifts are affected by climate change, but also a lack of suitable nest sites, with newer buildings leaving no room for them to build their nests. Swift boxes or swift bricks, which have been designed to allow space for them to lay their eggs, are a way of giving them a helping hand.
If you would like a swift box installed on your property, or wish to donate or volunteer, please contact us and lets get this iconic bird back in Aberystwyth.