Circular Economy

Repair, reuse and recycle. There are actions that we can take that reduces our waste to a minimum. Eco Hub Aber presents ways that we can share, hire, reuse, repair, refurbish and recycle existing materials and products for as long as possible. This means there are many ways to avoid buying new. 

Clothes Swaps

We are pleased to host quarterly seasonal clothes swaps around the equinox and solstice – good for your wardrobe and good for the planet. All ages, all welcome – bring your clean and in good repair clothes and accessories on the day before (max 10 items per person), swap for tokens and return on the following day to exchange your tokens for your new look. Let’s get swapping – wear what you love and swap what you don’t.

If you would like to get involved in the circular economy or wish to donate or volunteer please contact us. Let’s all get extending the lifecycle of products.